UVQG Bylaws
The UVQG board approved proposed changes to these bylaws May 2018.
UVQG membership voted on the proposed changes June 20, 2018
Proposed changes Passed.
(Last amended June 2018)
The name of this organization shall be the Utah Valley Quilt Guild, Inc., referred to herein as the Guild, an affiliate of the Utah Quilt Guild.
The powers of this Guild shall be vested in a board of trustees who shall be members of the Guild. A policy in behalf of the Guild shall be passed by a quorum vote of the trustees. A quorum shall be defined as: "Two-thirds of the UVQG Board members."
The Guild was informally organized January 1982, as a non-profit organization to promote the art of quilting through both educational and social means.
The Guild shall meet monthly on the third Wednesday of every month with the exception of the months of September and December. There will be no charge for the general meeting of the Guild.
The yearly fee to belong to the Guild is $15.00. This cost will include a monthly email copy of the Patchwords Newsletter and other benefits as the Board of Trustees designate. If a member wants the Patchwords Newsletter mailed to them, there will be an additional fee for that service.
Items belonging to the Guild will be inventoried twice a year by the Property Chairperson. All items will be checked out and returned through the Chairperson. Items can be used free for Guild meetings. If Guild equipment is needed by the Guild then the Guild will have precedence over any other request.
All other persons desiring to use the Guild equipment will be charged a rental fee. If an item is broken in any way, then an extra fee will be charged.
A newsletter, the Patchwords, will be published by the Guild monthly with the exception of the non-meeting month of December and will be delivered to members who have current membership in the Guild, either by mail or email. A web page provider will be paid to mail out the Patchwords each month.
The Guild will provide a blog page (uvqg.blogspot.com) and a web page (www.uvqg.org). Other means of publicity will be determined by the Board of Trustees.
Outside requests for the Guild mailing list will not be honored. The mailing list is not for sale, nor will it be shared.
Classified ads in the Patchwords are free for members once a year. Member ads will run for two consecutive months unless otherwise notified; further ad requests will be given at a 20% discount. Advertising for business purposes (this includes ads for members), is available at the following rate: ¼ page ad: $10.00, ½ page ad: $20.00, whole page ad: $40.00.
All workshops/forums will be self-supporting. If a kit is involved for any forum or workshop and a fee is involved, all participants will need to pay for their kit.
The registration for the National Teacher will be held at the general meeting after first being advertised in the Patchwords. Registration is on a first come, first served basis. A waiting list will be maintained. The Past-President will determine the cost of National Teacher Workshops.
Cancellation policy for a National Teacher Workshop: No refund if someone is unable to attend a workshop or all-day class that has been paid for in advance. The reservation, however, may be sold without penalty. A waiting list will be kept for any cancellations. People on the waiting list must be considered first before considering someone from the general membership.
Cancellation policy for the Retreat: No refund for a cancellation. The reservation, however, may be sold without penalty. A waiting list will be kept for consideration, but it is not mandatory to take someone from that list. It would be wise to consider the roommates already signed up when finding a replacement. A replacement must be a member of the Guild.
A new Board of Trustees shall be chosen each year by the President-Elect. She will have the power to re-appoint current board members or appoint new board members as the need arises.
There will be an Executive Committee. Members of the Executive Committee are: President, President-Elect, Past President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Executive Committee will be allowed to make final decisions to clarify and finalize matters discussed at Board Meetings.
No person may serve more than three consecutive years in the same position unless approved by the board.
Revisions in the following positions may be made at the discretion of the Board.
President, President-Elect, Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Chair, July Fair/Fundraiser, Historian/Blog Chair, Librarian, Program Chair, Hospitality, Website Editor, Newsletter Editor, Utah Quilt Guild Representatives, Show-and-Tell Chair, Service Project Chair, UVQG/Springville Museum of Arts Quilt Show Chair, Beekeeper, Retreat Chair, Property Chair.
The President must have served as President-Elect on the Guild Board of Trustees for at least one year and must also be a member of the Utah Quilt Guild. If the President-Elect is unable or unwilling to serve as President then another member of the Board of Trustees may serve as President; failing that, a member from the general membership may serve as President.
The President shall preside at all Guild meetings and meetings of the Board of Trustees. If, at any time, the President is unable to act in this capacity, the President-Elect shall take the President’s place. If the President-Elect is unable to act, the Board of Trustees shall appoint one of their members to fill the vacancy.
The President shall be responsible for all Guild business and activities. The President may delegate responsibilities or she may assign them to a Guild member.
The President will okay all expenditures and be kept apprised of other workings of the Board of Trustees. The President will check the bank statement monthly. The President and Board shall levy yearly dues for membership in the Guild. Any changes in dues shall be voted upon by the membership body at a regular meeting.
The President will select the President-Elect from someone who has served on the Board of Trustees for at least one year and is a member of the Utah Quilt Guild. If a member of the Board of Trustees is unwilling to serve as President-Elect then a member from the general membership will be asked to serve.
The President-Elect shall assume the duties of the President when needed, as outlined above. In addition, the President-Elect shall arrange for the next National (or Local) Teacher and perform other duties as assigned by the President and the Board of Trustees.
The President-Elect has the option to design a quilt for the general membership, teach a quilting technique, or work on a project of her choosing.
The Immediate Past President shall act in an advisory capacity and perform such other duties as assigned by the Board of Trustees.
The Immediate Past President shall be responsible for making arrangements for the National Teacher, such as hotel reservations, transportation, etc, including determining the cost of the National Teacher Workshop.
The Immediate Past President will serve on the UVQG/Springville Museum of Arts Committee during the year she is Past President.
The Secretary shall record minutes of regular or special Board Meetings and distribute copies of these minutes to all Board members. These minutes will include any Board actions and will be approved at the next Board meeting following distribution of minutes.
The Secretary shall notify Board members of regular or special Board meetings.
The Secretary shall discharge any other duties pertaining to the office of Secretary as prescribed by the Board of Trustees. Copies of all UVQG minutes shall be kept by the Secretary and passed on to the next Secretary. A separate book shall be kept of all passed policies by the Board of Trustees and passed on to the next President.
The Treasurer shall assume responsibility for receipt and disbursement of all funds of the Guild. If there are charges for kits or handouts for monthly Forums, they will be collected by the Treasurer. The Guild’s funds shall be deposited in a bank or other financial institution as agreed upon by the Executive Committee.
The Treasurer shall pay all expenditures approved by the Board, including paying the Utah Quilt Guild dues for the current Guild President. The Treasurer will keep the Board apprised of current financial conditions of the treasury of the Guild.
The Treasurer will meet with the President in December to go over expenditures for the coming year.
A financial report will be given to the Guild Board of Trustees and be published in the Patchwords for the general membership in the months of January and August.
The Treasurer will make deposits or withdrawals for any activity that includes cash boxes such as the July Fair, book sales, etc.
Two signatures are required on all checks. At least two of the following must be on all checks: the President, President-Elect or the Treasurer. The President or Treasurer must be one of the two signatures.
The Membership Chair shall be responsible for accepting and collecting new and renewed membership fees and keeping an accurate and timely record of all current members. She will be responsible for providing current membership details to board members when requested.
The Program Chair shall be responsible for programs for the business/program portion of the monthly Guild meeting. She will have the programs suggested for the coming year and ready to present to the Guild Board of Trustees at the first board meeting of the year in which she will serve.
She will coordinate with the Forum Chair if the guest speaker has also been invited to teach/lecture during the Forum portion of that monthly meeting.
The Program Chair shall prepare an article announcing the monthly activity for the Patchwords. She will also introduce the guest speaker at the monthly meeting, unless otherwise arranged.
The Program Chair understands and abides by the budget as outlined by the Board and overseen by the Board and Treasurer.
The Librarian shall be responsible for all books, etc. owned by the Guild. The Librarian will hold a book sale every November. The money made will be used to purchase new materials.
The Librarian will conduct an inventory of all materials in the month of December. She will check books in and out for members’ use. She will submit an article on new or interesting purchases to the Patchwords and maintain a current list of books on the website.
The Newsletter Editor shall be responsible for collecting articles and publishing in the Patchwords each month, with the exception of December. The Editor will coordinate with the Membership Chair, Newsletter Mailing Coordinator, and print shop to make certain all current members receive a copy of the Patchwords.
The Editor is also responsible for receiving advertisements and for collecting money for paid advertisements for publication in the newsletter. The Patchwords will be sent to paying members. via mail or email. See Article VIII for advertisement policy.
The Webpage Chair shall publish only Guild information online, with the intent of reaching those interested in finding a community of quilters. She shall coordinate with the Historian and Patchwords Editor. Should there be a change in Guild information and events (such as announcements and location of meetings) subsequent to the publication of the monthly Patchwords, or in the event that there is a problem with mailing, she shall update the webpage with the new information. Commercial advertisements that appear in the Patchwords may be posted on the web site.
The Historian will keep a blog of newspaper articles, photos, show-and-tell items, etc. of Guild activities. She will post pictures on the Guild blogspot. She will also keep a file of workshop handouts and booklets published by the Guild, and back issues of the newsletter.
At the end of the year she will make a book showing the history for the year. A copy of the book will be presented to the outgoing President.
The Retreat Chair is responsible for planning the following for a Guild Fall Retreat: meals, lodging, room assignments, funding, time schedules, classes, etc. The Fall Retreat is for Guild members only. This retreat is usually held Wednesday through Saturday during the first full week of November. This retreat has a separate bank account and all expenses must be balanced by the Chair.
This retreat must be self-sustaining. There must be money left in the Guild account as an operating fund for the following year. As close as possible, the same amount should be left after retreat as was there before retreat.
The Service Chair shall be responsible for coordinating such projects as charity, humanitarian aid, and an annual service day. She will also coordinate with other committees as needed.
The July Quilt Fair/Fundraiser Chair will coordinate the July Quilt Fair every year. She will organize and form committees in charge of each area.
If the July Quilt Fair will not be held, the Chair will decide with the Board on a different fundraising project.
Two Area Representatives from the Utah Quilt Guild shall be appointed to the Guild Board of Trustees to act as liaisons between the two guilds. One will advise the North Area of Utah County and one will advise the South Area. At each general meeting of the Guild these Representatives will staff a table with information about activities in the Utah Quilt Guild.
The Area Representatives will be voting members of the UVQG Board of Trustees.
The Beekeeper will be a liaison between the local Bees and the Guild. She will maintain communication with each Bee and upgrade the list of Bees with their new President yearly. If possible, she will visit each Bee during the year. The Beekeeper has the option to spotlight a Bee in the Patchwords/Webpage each month by asking them to write an article about their current projects and then do a display at the Guild meeting. Stipends will no longer be given to bees.
The Hospitality Chair shall arrange for a welcoming packet for new members, coordinate refreshments for guild meetings when needed and any other duties assigned by the president or board.
The Utah Valley Quilt Guild/Springville Museum of Art Quilt Show Chair will work with the Springville Museum of Art Staff, to advise, organize, check in, hang, and take down quilts.
She will place articles in the Patchwords and Beeline. She will also see that "Call to Entry" forms are placed on the internet by the museum staff.
The UVQG/SMA Chair will ask special quilters to present their quilts at a "Trunk Show." She will order ribbons, find judges, and work with the museum in planning the "Preview Party." After the show is over she will update the notebook with suggestions and details for next year’s show.
The Show-and-Tell Chair shall collect information about each quilt that is shown at the general meeting of the Guild. This information will be emailed to the Historian/Blog Chair within the week after the general meeting.
The Show-and-Tell Chair will write a brief description of each quilt to be published in the Patchwords.
She will assign people, before the general meeting starts, to hold the quilts during Show and Tell.
The Property Chair shall check in, check out, and maintain all items belonging to the Guild. She will also purchase new items needed by the Guild as approved by the board.
These Bylaws may be repealed, amended, or new bylaws adopted at any regular meeting of the Guild by a vote of the majority of the members present at that meeting.
NOTE: Bylaws revised 1990
Bylaws revised March 1992
Bylaws revised January 1995
Bylaws amended March 2002
New Bylaws added November 2003
New Bylaws revised and amended 2012
Bylaws revised and amended Jan 21, 2015
Bylaws adopted by nonprofit corporation Feb 2015, approved by guild May 2015
Bylaws revised and amended June 2018